Services Offered
Government Relations / Association Management / Talent Development / Business & Corporate Growth
Government Relations
Government relations is the process of influencing public policy at all levels of governance: local, regional, national, and even global. Government relations aims to persuade government officials and the public to change or maintain policy to more effectively fit the needs of a particular group.
A successful government relations strategy relies on organization and planning. An effective government relations strategy includes defining your issues, identifying legislative champions, building relationships with elected officials, and structuring a grassroots advocacy program, all of which are fundamental pillars of public affairs strategy.
What we do in Government Relations is not lobbying but rather organizing and managing focused campaigns to change, support, or oppose something.
Below are some examples of how work is established:
Government relation coordination.
Establish public policy goals and objectives
Organizing grassroots efforts to maximize efforts.
Social media political tracking to identify positions on an issue.
Public opinion analysis and campaign promotion.
Driven with data, public policy, and issue management
Government agency consulting and training.
Government agency management studies.
Position assessments for government employees
Solutions for initiatives
Establishing Professional relationships
Leadership Program Design and Management
Association Management & Support
We provide a full line of support to any association and if we can’t, we can recommend someone who can. We offer superb expert services in consulting, and business operations for associations of all sizes. Our full-service association management and support includes:
We can assist with the startup of an association or coalition, revitalize an existing one, or simply maintain any organization that needs our assistance with operating the association.
Recommending software and membership databases, point-of-sale websites, registration, meeting planning, website software, and event software.
Special event planning and coordinating of all sizes. We currently work with several national groups in coordinating events. Trade Shows and Expos are just one niche.
Training and speaker engagement for events. We maintain a list of professional keynote speakers on trending topics. We can manage sponsorships to cover costs and/or negotiate costs for speakers.
Relationship building is part of recruitment & retention of members at events and meetings.
We provide Strategic Planning for both short- and long-term planning. Have experience facilitating Strategic Planning sessions for groups, associations, coalitions, and other meetings.
We can assist in Organizational Succession Planning to maintain a strong and long-lasting leadership plan that keeps the organization consistent and vibrant.
Mission, purpose, values, and assistance in association growth.
Networking, social media management, publications, and website administration.
Talent Development
We offer both Individual/Group Coaching and Talent Development, focusing on up-and-coming individuals desiring to self-improve. Studying habits and abilities, coaching positive attitudes, and matching them for future levels within any organization is accomplished through career development practices. Utilizing personal experience and advice, assist others in becoming the best they can be. We focus on emergency service professionals as a priority but the mission is also to touch others looking for self-improvement. “Tallent Development is an Adventure”
We offer workshops on talent development and self-improvement.
Individual coaching and career path mapping and talent mobility.
Leadership & career counseling. Connecting with successful leaders that an individual wants to model their success.
Competency Development, Engagement, and Retention.
Business & Corporate Growth
Chief West Strategies, Inc. offers professional services, consulting, marketing, demonstrations, product sales, training, and operations that support prearranged agreements. These services include:
Technology software, cutting-edge processes, and money-saving ideas.
Marketing & outreach campaigns for promoting products and services.
Recurring sales will produce more financial opportunities.
Educating the public on new technology, demonstrating, and technically speaking about trending and new products and services that promote industry safety.
Promoting new codes and standards for industry and getting ordinances, standards, and resolutions passed on local, state, and federal levels that support the mission.
Building, Fire, and Codes Consulting
Consulting on building codes, construction projects, fire codes, or standards in general is always available to our clients. Having served as a local and state code official for many years, in addition to serving on code and standards committees provides experience in many areas. Serving as the State Building and Fire Official required study and monitoring in many areas. The safety of firefighters and citizens is a top priority of Chief West Strategies, Inc.